10 Things we should never do in life


  1. Never trust on anyone blindly. If your trust once get broken then you will not be able to trust again. For yourself don't trust blindly.
  2. Never share your secrets and weakness with anyone. You never know who is gonna use them against you. Be aware.
  3. Never ignore your parents and family for your friends. Only your family will remain with you forever. Respect them.
  4. Never doubt yourself. Stay far away from it. You think you can't do? Its completely okay. Try it once. Once again. But never believe that you can't do it, if you really wanna do then try your best.
  5. Never expect too much. Expectations can even paralyze your heart. Its only you who allow this to yourself. Be safe.
  6. Never hurt anyone. You never know by what he/she is going through.
  7. Never judge anyone. You don't know their story. Respect each and every one's decision. Its their life. After all they are not going to change by your judgement.
  8. Never let anyone make you feel bad about you. Accept yourself. Love yourself. Change yourself in a better way. Live for yourself.
  9. Never let anything/anyone destroy your inner peace. Nothing is more important than your peace.
  10. Never make fun of anyone. Respect each and every person. Let them live don't disturb them mentally. Peace.


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