What 3 habits can make shy people charming and confident?
.Develop a `zero fucks given` attitude by remembering that you have ONE LIFE
This is going to be a hard sell for the shy ones out there.
The introverted among us have higher sensitivity to the word, thoughts, and opinions of others.
However, you`ve got to let all that go if you want to become confident and charming.
People are going to think you are strange, uncool or stupid. Accept it and move forward anyway!
How do you do this?
By remembering that you only have ONE LIFE.
You are going to die at some point and you don`t know when that is, so GO FOR IT!
Yes, you will stumble.
Yes, you will fall flat on your face.
Yes, you will look like a clown.
Failure is just a stepping stone to your success and a way for you to course correct.
Feel that fear and DO IT ANYWAY!
Develop the habit of moving forward NO MATTER WHAT and you will become the confident and charming person who won`t let any setbacks or obstacles stop them from getting what they want.
2. Accentuate the POSITIVE. Eliminate the NEGATIVE
Shy people tend to focus on the negative.
`He`s looking at me funny. I must look weird to him!`
`She`s frowning. I must have pissed her off!`
`What if I look like a complete dick and I don`t know what to say?`
As hard as this may be, and I know myself because I am an introvert, zero in on the positives of every situation and carry yourself with a positive attitude.
Always keep eye contact with the people you are interacting with and smile often.
Keep calm when you are faced with a confronting situation, breathe and express yourself fully.
Stand tall and upright with your shoulders back and chest out.
Pay attention to the way you are dressed as well. If you dress well and people notice, it gives you an immediate confidence boost.
If someone gives you a hard time or is mean to you, just remember that you don`t know what is really behind all that.
They could have had a bad day or have had a rough life.
They could have been through a bad breakup recently.
They might have lost their job.
You just don`t know and you shouldn`t concern yourself with it either.
Keep calm and don`t get angry.
Simply thank the person for their time and walk away.
You don`t need that negativity or stress.
3. Practice, practice, practice
Confidence is a skill.
Like any skill, you only get better at it by putting it into practice regularly.
One of the best ways to do this is to do something that scares you every day.
Challenge yourself by getting into uncomfortable situations on a regular basis.
Don`t panic or run away. Face it head on and do your best.
What you will find is that the particular situation you are faced with is not that scary and that you have more than enough ability to handle it with charm and aplomb.
For example, challenge yourself to talk to one stranger every day for 5 minutes.
Practice your small talk and building rapport.
After a month of doing this, you will become more confident and charming and have the bravado necessary to talk to anyone.
The confidence that you build will enhance all areas of your life and build better careers, relationships, and professional relations.
But, it comes with practice.
Sitting around and hoping for it will not get you any closer to being a confident, charming person.
Get out there and make yourself uncomfortable!
I made a couple of videos about this topic that I think you should check out. They will teach you how to build a `zero fucks given` attitude and get strong, bulletproof confidence:
Need more advice or help? Feel free to reach out to me at my profile.
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