How do I solve ABCD + A + B + C + D = 1991?

 The Language of Mathematics | An Unfettered Mind


If ABCD is, as it often is, a four digit number with digits A, B, C, D, then write

Clearly A=1 and (1) becomes 101B+11C+2D=990 and then B=9 and we look at 11C+2D=81 from which C=7 and D=2.

To strengthen the question, the instruction solve is not enough. We need to know where the variables live. As stated, we can only assume the worst and that suggests the implied question,

Find complex numbers a, b, c, d such that …

Then the only answer is of the form

which represents an infinite number of quartets. Just choose your favourite numbers for a, b and c. Don’t forget that you have to choose all of them.

To make a question more meaningful, easier or tasteful, we often imagine words which when included remove, at least in our minds, any ambiguity. That is what I did rephrasing the question in my mind as

Solve the following cryptarithm.

Such alterations are acceptable if there is a precedent. A quick check on Quora reveals over 247 examples where abc etc is not considered a product. Over 247 because that is when I lost count - quite true that I have no life. So considering it a cryptarithm is legit.

It is often done, that letters at the beginning of the alphabet are used to represent integers. Then the following words might be in our minds:

Find integers a, b, c, d such that …

However, even with just a=0, b+c+d=1991 has an infinite number of solutions all of the form d=1991-b-c. Still not pleasing to present.

We could restrict our variable home to non-zero integers but there would still be an infinite number of solutions, perhaps characterized by those values of a, b, c so that

is an integer.

This leads us to our final replacements for solve:

Find all positive integers, a, b, c, d, such that…

We include “all” so that no one just offers

and leaves.

Sometimes, a precedent is noted in writing a solution. Here, I will say

Without loss of generality, assume that

but be aware that there may be up to 24 times as many solutions as shown. Since a is the smallest, and so and so is of {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} and we handle these separately as cases. With as listed, look at

and see that b has maximum values {12, 9, 8, 7, 7, 6} respectively. Only 34 cases to consider. Let us be at it.


and ,

(the equation) , becomes

and are make a factor pair of 1990, smaller one first. So

If a=1 and b=2, the equation is

and so

and are make a factor pair of 3977 and so and then


If a=1 and b=3, the equation is

and so . and make a factor pair of 5962 and so and giving since

does not cooperate.

If a=1 and b=4, the equation is

and so . and make a factor pair of 7945 and so , and

none of which cooperate.

Let’s call everything after If a=1 and b=4, stuff.

If a=1 and b=5 or 6, stuff gives no solutions


stuff gives no solutions.

Here we have covered 4 interpretations all of which have precedents and are valid.

NOTE: If there is an easy way to see that a=1 we would be on the verge of elegance.



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