I am 39 years old. I don't have a job, education, nor skills. I know I am a loser. What should I do now?
So, I have had periods of aimless wandering in my life and they have left me at times feeling like a loser. When that happens, I find a way to do something to help people. It may seem cliché but when you need to feel a sense of worth in your life, it can help to help others in greater need than yourself. We do not have to make piles of money or get professional glory to be successful in life. The question you might ask yourself is, “What have I done to make the world a better place?” The answer to that, when we are honest, can be disheartening but there is a way to fix that.
Do good. You don’t have to give millions to charity to help people in need. Help a disadvantaged kid learn to read or read better. Visit elderly people who are all alone and give them the joy of telling their stories to you. Volunteer at a soup kitchen and smile for the people who have so little to smile about. Find meaning in helping others. Use the skills you do have to do the most good that you can do.
You are only a loser if you allow yourself to give up and stop trying. Professional success is only one measure of your success in life. Be the best person that you can be and find ways to do good even if you don’t have a great job or higher education or even mastery of many skills. Find a way to use what you do have to help others and you may find yourself feeling much less like a loser. At the worst, you will have helped people in even more difficult places than you find yourself now.
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