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How did Prophet Muhammad keep himself clean without using soap?

  These include but are not limited to: Shower: Full-body wash (i.e. Ghusl ) was performed and encouraged by the Prophet PBUH frequently. It was particularly emphasized to be peformed in certain occasions such as Fridays among other occasions. This is in addition to the 5+ times a day Wudu , which is the abultion for prayer and many other matters by washing the external body parts with water. 2.5L scaling bucket (i.e: Sa’) that was used for performing Ghusl by the Prophet. Soap: People at the time used ground aromatic herbs with water to function as soap for cleaning both body and clothes. We know that the Prophet PBUH and people of Hijaz regularly used the ground foaming leaves of Sidr ( i.e. Ziziphus spina-christi ). Other mentioned herbs used for cleaning at the Prophet time were Hyssopus , Myrtus , Hibiscus , and Camphor among others. Scrubbing: Suitable materials such as rocks,cloth, etc. were used for further cleaning body and clothes. Tooth Brushing: The Pr...

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